Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More Stuff I Like

So I went to watch Jenna figure skate yesterday. And besides being utterly, completely blown away by her extreme skills (and man, does she deserve them, what with all that perseverance and all), I have decided that male figure skaters are awesome. Either my brother will have to take up the sport (he's pretty skinny, after all), or I will have to marry one. Because you know what? It takes some serious guts to be a twelve-year-old in tight pants and pointed shoes, while all your friends are cutting each other up with sticks and little round black rocks. It takes a real man.

And no, not all male figure skaters are gay, although gay male figure skaters are probably about as manly as it gets. After all, as I've said quite a bit recently, man x man = man squared.

Today I saw Mama Mia! at the theater, and it was also a festival of awesomeness. Even more so than you might expect.

I'm home, by the way. I've kind of let this blog fall by the wayside a bit in the past few weeks, but that's typical of the summer. I'll be back eventually, with my customary force of spirit and acuteness of observations. Oh, and my caustic wit.

After all, I myself have never had an average mother.